Friday, December 8, 2017

The Great Test

View from near Peace Light, morning of test
So it's been almost a week since 97 hearty souls sat for the test to become a Licensed Battlefield Guide at the Gettysburg National Military Park.  December 2nd dawned bright and clear, with a bit of frost and a glorious sunrise.  Some few of the would be guides made the trip up Little Round Top, to rub old Colonel Patrick O'Rourke's nose for luck.  I chose to spend a little time in reflection at the Eternal Light Peace Memorial.

The parking lot at HACC [Harrisburg Area Community College ] quickly filled up.  Each of in our own nervous way, we filtered up to the door, where we stood in the cold waiting to be invited into the lobby.  We talked about those last few minutes of panicked studying that morning.  Those of us who had been through this before, we're offering up our tidbits of test wisdom. Not really believing any of that wisdom.

Finally the doors opened and we pushed inside.  We received instructions about the check in process.  Make sure you have your government id [yes just like getting on a plane], no cell phones, no study aids.  They are good enough to let us bring coffee or water.  We got into lines, checked in and received our number [from this point forward we are known as that number].  Each of us off to our assigned room.  Some final instructions.  Those last burst of nerves, and it's 9am.  For the next three hours you are just trying to pull answers from the deep recesses of your brain.

After a short break for lunch, we all mostly return for another three hours of essay writing.  If you didn't return, your morning part of the testing was to be thrown out.  We had; I believe, two in our room who apparently found the morning to much for them and didn't return.  Six essays to write longhand, isn't just taxing on the brain, but it is physically hard on your hand too.

At 4:30 the torture stopped.  We all drifted slowly and perhaps a bit dazed into the parking lot.  Most taking the first big deep breath we had taken in weeks.  After a few last words we all drifted off, some to spend much need time with family, some for a drink with friends, myself I went for a moonlit walk with my thoughts across Pickett's Charge [what can I say, it's my happy place].

I would like to take a minute to thank another group of people who gave up their Saturday.  Guides already carrying that licenses, that we are hoping to earn. You all arrived early, stayed late, and throughout where encouraging to each and everyone of us.  I hope to someday to able to say I am a member of such a wonderful group of people.

And so to wrap this up, the 97 of us now wait.  Sometime in late December [I'm assuming here, based on past years], we will get letters let us know if we move forward to the next tier of testing.  Good luck to all. [By the way, I must give credit for the last 2 photos to Fred Hawthorne. I stole them off his FaceBook page].

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