Sunday, June 3, 2018

6th Corps Artillery Continued - The Regular Army Guns

2nd US Battery D at Fredericksburg
 There were 3 United States Regular Army Batteries in the 6th Corps of the Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg.  They were the 2nd US Battery D, the 2nd US Battery G, and the 5th US Battery F.

The 2nd United States Battery D didn't arrive at Gettysburg until 3 July 1863.  They brought four 12 pound Napolanes to the field.

This unit was under the command of Lieutenant Edward B Williston.  Williston was born 15 July 1837 in Norwich, Vermont.  He attended Norwich University from 1851 through 55, but did not graduate [he was given a degree from the University in 1865].  He was working on his brother's ranch in San Diego, California at the outbreak of the war.

Lieut Williston
Battery D remained south of the Battlefield on the Taneytown Road [where they have a monument].  The unit was held in reserve and weren't engaged.

2nd US Battery G
The 2nd United States Battery G arrived late on 2 July 1863 and were placed in reserve.  Under the command of Lieutenant John H Butler; Battery G had 113 men to handle the six Napoleons they brought to the field.

Following the repulse of Pickett's Charge this unit was moved to Ziggler's Grove.  This is where their monument is located.

The 5th United States Battery F also arrived in Gettysburg on 3 July 1863 and was initially held in reserve.  They were armed with six 10 pound Parrots and were commanded by Lieutenant Leonard Martin.  Martin was a West Point graduate of the class of 1861.

Lieut Martin
During the bombardment that preceded Pickett's Charge the unit was ordered to limber up and report to the front.  At about 4pm they were ordered to occupy a position in Ziggler's Grove to the south of the 2nd US Battery G.  They were not engaged.

Battery F's monument has moved around over the years.  In the 1960's the Park Service had the monument moved to make room for the erection of the old Cyclorama Building in Ziggler's Grove.  The Cyclorama Building was demolished in 2013 in an attempt to restore the look of the Battlefield.  On 24 September 2014 the monument to the 5th US Battery F was returned to it original location on the field.

We will continue with the 6th Corps Artillery tomorrow...

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